30 Days Money Back Guarantee

Our 100% money-back guarantee

We offer our products with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

If you are not satisfied, contact us within 30 days of receiving your order and we will refund 100% of your purchase without question. You can only get a refund in the first 30 days if the cause of the return is unsatisfaction.

If the product has a major default preventing the use of it, you can get a refund within 90 days of receiving your order.

The 90 days guarantee only applies for major defaults and not unsatisfaction. In that case you still have a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied and contact us within 30 days of receiving your order, we will refund 100% of your purchase without question.

Our customer support service will respond within 24 hours. Use the Contact Us page if you need help or send us an e-mail at the address below.

Thank you